March 25, 2025
public speaking

How to overcome the fear of Public Speaking?

“Public Speaking” these words increase anxiety and nervousness in the mind of people. It’s called Glossophobia. People who have fear of public speaking feel embarrassed or are rejected by people of group.

Attitude Academy emphases on Public Speaking and says, it is the most important part of your personality.

Attitude Academy believes that it is the biggest personality development skill and to make your future like a shining star that you must improve your public speaking skills.

Why is it most important for our personality? Why should you enhance your public speaking for your personality development?

Reasons are:

  • It can boost and develop your “Self Confidence”.
  • It can make you more comfortable with other people.
  • You’ll easily get a job.
  • It will help you in your career growth in various aspects of occupation.
  • It will also help you grow your business.
  • If you want to become a leader in any field, it helps the most.
  • It helps in your relationships, connecting with your family, friends, relatives and

If we talk about fear of public speaking, it causes many things in you which will make you feel uncomfortable.

Fear increases nervousness, makes your palms and face sweat, shivering in body, hands etc. Somehow, you can overcome the fear with lots of “Oral” presentation and practice with simple tricks and tips.

As we’ve mentioned above the importance of Public Speaking in our lives. Now, here Attitude Academy is introducing 10 Tips to overcome the fear of Public Speaking:

  1. Focus on Content and Material rather than audience behavior:

During a presentation, focus on the things, content, and material, rather than audience. For example; somebody is using phone or making faces or if not paying attention towards you. Don’t get distracted by audience behavior.

  1. Know your audience:

Know your audience by interacting with them and use live examples with them so that they can get involved in your speech and they can get attracted by your conversations with interest. It makes your speaking presentation interesting by responding to the audience.

  1. Check all the equipment by testing, before going to step out for your presentation:

Test your equipment before going to present, check it well whatever you are going to use for your presentation. Like Laptop, audio clip, video clip, speakers, and prop.

  1. Have a glass of warm water before going to speak and get relaxed:

Get relaxed by having warm water and breathe for speaking in appropriate way without stress.

  1. Organize your speech presentation:

Plan your session or presentation step by step and organize all the aspects of your presentation with thoughts, props, equipment and materials very carefully. It helps to reduce your anxiety and nervousness.

  1. Avoid speaking in fast way or too fast:

Fast speaking in front of public can cause to your breathing patterns and you can get panicked. So slow down your way of speaking.

  1. Invest your more time to speak well:

Invest your more time for speaking clearly and smoothly with lots of practice.

  1. Practice before public speaking:

Practice and planning with entire presentation in front of your friend, family members (brother, sister, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather) so that they can give you feedback as audience and it will be helpful for making clarity in your content and your analysis as well.

  1. Watch yourself in video:

Record video of your performance and watch it for better preparation of public speaking in front of many. Like pay attention on your facial expressions, features, gestures, and your body movement or body language.

  1. Know your topic well:

You must have knowledge of your topic well with each and every aspect of the topic, which you are going to present in your public speaking presentation. If you get in trouble with speaking, you can modify or quickly recover it without getting off the track.

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