March 26, 2025

Tally Technology Advantage

Tally ERP 9 is holistic Business Accounting and financial management software that offers innumerable technology advantages.

    Data Reliability: The tool is robust that even power failures or machine shut down during functioning does not affect data stored in Tally database. Quality data integrity checks at periodic levels ensure complete data reliability.

     Data Security: Data integrity checks also ensure that no external modifications to the data can intervene with Tally. The availability of binary encoding storage format avoids tricky information grouping. Access to database is through an activated ODBC layer.

Tally Audit: A specified user can be given administrator rights to check for correctness of entries entered by authorized users and make changes where required. Audited entries and alterations made are displayed along with the name of the user who has made those modifications with the time of change.

Tally Vault: Data encryption option available in Tally is called the Tally Vault. Data Encryption Standard (DES) method prevents breaking of password for the vault.

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