Data Mining is a process of extracting and discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning
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Need basic computer knowledge.
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Take the final exam to get certified in Data Mining
Data mining is a process of extracting and discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems.Data mining is an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science and statistics with an overall goal to extract information (with intelligent methods) from a data set and transform the information into a comprehensible structure for further use.
open linkData Mining Techniques
Implementation Process
Data Mining Architecture
Data Mining KDD Process
Data Mining History
Data Mining Tools
Data Mining vs Machine Learning
Facebook Data Mining
Social Media Data Mining Methods
Data Mining Cluster Analysis
Text Data Mining
Bagging vs Boosting
Data Mining vs Data Warehousing
Social Media Data Mining
Data Mining Bayesian Classification
Data Mining World Wide Web
Different types of Clustering Algorithm
Bitcoin Data Mining
Orange Data Mining
Data Mining vs Big DataDecision Tree Induction
Educational Data Mining
Data Mining in Healthcare
Apriori Algorithm
Data Integration in Data Mining
Data mining vs Text mining
Discretization in data mining
Redundancy and Correlation in Data Mining
Classification of Data Mining Systems
Data Mining Models
Data mining vs Data Science
Data Mining vs Statistics
Data Mining vs Web Mining
Data Mining vs Data Analysis
Business Intelligence vs Data Mining
Data Mining vs Data Visualization
Data Mining vs Data Analytics
Watch the recorded & live videos to learn various concepts & get Live Sessions with Trainer for Doubts Clearing
Test your knowledge through quizzes & module tests
Get hands on practice by doing assignments and project
Take the final exam to get certified in Data Mining
You can post your doubts on the Q&A forum which will be answered by the teachers within 24 hours.
Had a great experience with the course, the classes touch upon both the functional and theoretical aspects of programming, and the care in responding to questions as well as obvious dedication to continue updating and improving the course are very motivating.
Very professional. Honestly, this is about 2 courses worth of python in 1 course (in my opinion). Good pace, clear content, builds on each topic.
This course was one of few courses in python which i took. I must say nothing was more comprehensive and exhaustive like this. Attitude Academy goes into each and concept and talks about it in detail. At times it was overbearing but if you are able to complete it - you would have got valuable insights into the dynamics of python. I use this material as a reference. I am glad that i took this course! Thank you guys