Interview Questions

Adobe After Effects is a digital visual effect, motion graphics, and compositing application used in the post-production process of filmmaking and television production.
Keyframes mark the points in time where a layer\'s properties change, allowing for animation and movement over time.
Linear keyframes create constant motion between keyframes, while easy ease keyframes apply a smooth acceleration and deceleration to animations.
You can create a mask by selecting a layer, choosing the Pen tool, and drawing the desired shape on the layer.
Parenting involves linking the motion and properties of one layer (child) to another layer (parent), simplifying complex animations.
The Composition panel displays the active composition, allowing users to preview and manipulate visual elements.
You can create a new composition by selecting \"Composition\" from the menu and choosing \"New Composition,\" then adjusting settings like resolution and duration.
RAM Preview renders and caches frames into RAM for smoother playback, while Standard Preview renders frames directly to the timeline for quick previews.
Text animations can be created by selecting the text layer, opening the Text Animator menu, and adding animation properties like position, scale, or opacity.
The Graph Editor allows users to visualize and adjust the speed and timing of animations by modifying keyframe interpolation.

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