The learner should be well versed with the fundamentals of Algorithms, learn various data structures, should be able to use them appropriately as per need during development of programs. Also, the learner should know different sorting and searching techniques so that correct techniques can be used in different programs so that the complexity of the program does not increase due the sorting/ search technique employed. The learner should have the knowledge about file structures and finally, s/he should also know the concepts of advanced data structures.
Mathematical Background, Process of Analysis, Calculation of Storage Complexity, Calculation of Run Time Complexity
Unit 2 : ArraysArrays and Pointers, Sparse Matrices, Polynomials, Representation of Arrays, Row Major Representation, Column Major Representation, Applications
Unit 3 : ListsAbstract Data Type-List, Array Implementation of Lists, Linked Lists-Implementation, Doubly Linked Lists-Implementation, Circularly Linked Lists-Implementation,Applications
Abstract Data Type-Stack, Implementation of Stack, Implementation of Stack using Arrays, Implementation of Stack using Linked Lists, Algorithmic Implementation of Multiple Stacks, Applications
Unit 5 : QueuesAbstract Data Type-Queue, Implementation of Queue, Array Implementation, Linked List Implementation, Implementation of Multiple Queues, Implementation of Circular Queues, Array Implementation, Linked List Implementation of a circular queue, Implementation of DEQUEUE, Array Implementation of a dequeue, Linked List Implementation of a dequeue
Unit 6 : TreesAbstract Data Type-Tree, Implementation of Tree, Tree Traversals, Binary Trees, Implementation of Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversals, Recursive Implementation of Binary Tree Traversals, Non Recursive Implementations of Binary Tree Traversals, Applications
Binary Search Trees, Traversing a Binary Search Trees, Insertion of a node into a Binary Search Tree, Deletion of a node from a Binary Search Tree, AVL Trees, Insertion of a node into an AVL Tree, Deletion of a node from and AVL Tree, AVL tree rotations, Applications of AVL Trees, B-Trees, Operations on B-Trees , Applications of B-Trees
Unit 8 : GraphsDefinitions, Shortest Path Algorithms, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Graphs with Negative Edge costs, Acyclic Graphs, All Pairs Shortest Paths Algorithm, Minimum cost Spanning Trees, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prims’s Algorithm, Applications, Breadth First Search , Depth First Search, Finding Strongly Connected Components
Unit 9 : SearchingLinear Search, Binary Search, Applications
Internal Sorting, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, 2-way Merge Sot, Heap Sort, Sorting on Several Keys
Unit 11 : Advanced Data StructuresSplay Trees, Splaying steps, Splaying Algorithm, Red-Black trees, Properties of a Red-Black tree, Insertion into a Red-Black tree, Deletion from a Red-Black tree, AA-Trees
Unit 12 : File StructuresTerminology, File Organisation, Sequential Files, Structure, Operations, Disadvantages, Areas of use, Direct File Organisation, Indexed Sequential File Organisation
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