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MS-Excel (Advanced)

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To help you explain all about Advanced MS-Excel, we have designed an MS-Excel e-Book. It is in PDF format and easily downloadable You can read it online or download it for future read. In this e-Book, we take a closer visual examination at what is Advanced MS-Excel. By downloading this e-Book online, students may get lots of hidden information of MS-Excel and get the opportunity to do something worth while in their MIS career. So go ahead and download our Advanced MS-Excel E-book/PDF now.
In this E-book, we are covering the following topics of Advanced MS-Excel:

Opening Excel

Getting Started

The Excel Interface

The Workbook Window

Creating and Opening Workbooks

Create a new blank workbook

Open an existing workbook

Compatibility mode

Saving and Sharing Workbooks

Save and Save As


Exporting workbooks

Cell Basics

Understanding Cells

Cell Content

Find and Replace

Formatting Cells

Font Formatting

Text Alignment

Cell borders and fill colors

Cell styles

Formatting text and numbers

Modifying Columns, Rows and Cells

Inserting, deleting, moving, and hiding rows and columns

Wrapping text and merging cells

Formulas and Functions

Simple Formulas

Complex Formulas

Relative and Absolute Cell References

Relative cell references

Absolute cell references

Advance Functions

Creating a function

The Function Library

The Insert Function command

Working with Data

Freezing Panes and View Options

Sorting Data

Filtering Data

Working with Charts

Understanding charts

Chart layout and style

Other chart options

Printing Workbooks

Choosing a print area

Fitting and scaling content

and Many More..................

Price: 300
Discount: 50 %, Total Price: 150

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