The main objective of the Course is to introduce the whole range of web technologies starting from HTML, DHTML, Java Script, VBScript, and Dreamweaver. It also gives a brief description on Internet. Through various examples, the Course will describe how to design specific page, dynamic web page, forms and frames. It also focuses on the practical aspects of these technologies.
Classification of Networks Networking Models What is Packet Switching Accessing the Internet Internet Protocols Internet Protocol (IP) Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) Internet Address Structure of Internet Servers Address o Address Space How does the Internet work Intranet & Extranet Internet Infrastructure Protocols and Services on Internet o Domain Name System o SMTP and Electronic Mail o HTTP and World Wide Web Usenet and Newgroups FTP Telnet Internet Tools o Search Engines o Web Browser
Unit 2 :Introduction to HTMLWhat is HTML Basic Tags of HTML HTML Tag o TITLE Tag o BODY Tag Formatting of Text Headers Formatting Tags o PRE Tag o FONT Tag o Special Characters Working with Images META Tag
Unit 3 : Advanced HTMLLinks Anchor tag Lists o Unordered Lists o Ordered Lists o Definition Lists Tables o TABLE, TR and TD Tags o Cell Spacing and Cell Padding o Colspan and Rowspan Frames Frameset FRAME Tag NOFRAMES Tag Forms o FORM and INPUT Tag o Text Box o Radio Button Checkbox SELECT Tag and Pull Down Lists Hidden Submit and Reset Some Special Tags COLGROUP THREAD, TBODY, TFOOT o _blank, _self, _parent, _top IFRAME LABEL Attribute for SELECT o TEXTAREA
Unit 4: Introduction to JavaScriptJavaScript Variables and Data Types Declaring Variables o Data Types Statements and Operators Control Structures Conditional Statements o Loop Statements Object-Based Programming Functions Executing Deferred Scripts o Objects Message box in Javascript Dialog Boxes o Alert Boxes o Confirm Boxes o Prompt Boxes Javascript with HTML Events Event Handlers Forms o Forms Array
Unit 5 : VB ScriptWhat is VBScript Adding VBScript Code to an HTML Page VB Script Basics VBScript Data Types o VBScript Variables o VBScript Constants o VBScript Operators Using Conditional Statements Looping Through Code VBScript Procedures VBScript Coding Conventions Dictionary Object in VBScript o Methods: VBScript Dictionary Object o VBScript Dictionary Object Properties Err Object Methods: VBScript Err Object o Properties: VBScript Err Object
Unit 6 : DreamweaverUsing Dreamweaver Create a Site Home Page Design a Page in Layout View Insert Images Insert Text Work in Standard View View the Site Files Link your Documents
Basic of HTML How to Create HTML Document Steps for Creating a Simple HTML Program
Section 2 : Advanced HTMLAdvanced Topics of HTML
Section 3: JavaScriptScript Basics Incorporating JavaScript into a Web Page
Section 4: VBScriptVBScript Basics Incorporating VBScript into HTML Page
Section 5: DreamweaverHow to Work in Dreamweaver?? How to save your file? Adding Layers to the Timeline and Giving Motion to the Layer Inserting Scripts Inserting External Media in the Web Page Adding SSI(Server-side include to the Page) Adding CSS Style to your Page Adding XML Files to your Page To Export a Dreamweaver Document as XML File, checking entries, working in frames, windows control, the Java script URL.
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