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Course Overview

Database systems are pervasive. They are present in every segment of commercial, academic and virtual world. They are required as the backbone of any information system, enterprise resource planning, research activities and other activity that require permanence of data storage. This course provides the basic introduction to database system technologies; and concurrency, security and recovery issues of database management systems. This course also provides the basic conceptual background necessary to design and develop simple database systems. The major focus in this course is the Relational database model; however, it also discusses about the ER model and distributed databases. This course enables you to write good queries using a standard query language called SQL.

BLOCK 1 : The Database Management System Concepts

Unit 1 : The Basic Concepts

Need for a Database Management System, The file based system, Limitations of file based system, The Database Approach, The Logical DBMS Architecture, Three level architecture of DBMS or logical DBMS architecture, Mappings between levels and data independence, The need for three level architecture, Physical DBMS Architecture, DML Precompiler, DDL Compiler, File Manager, Database Manager, Query Processor, Database Administrator, Data files indices and Data Dictionary, Commercial Database Architecture, Data Models

Unit 2 : Relational and ER Models

The Relational Model, Domains, Attributes, Tuple and Relation, Super keys Candidate keys and Primary keys for the Relations, Relational Constraints, Domain Constraint, Key Constraint, Integrity Constraint, Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations, Relational Algebra, Basic Set Operation, Cartesian Product, Relational Operations, Entity Relationship (ER) Model, Entities, Attributes, Relationships, More about Entities and Relationships, Defining Relationship for College Database, E-R Diagram, Conversion of E-R Diagram to Relational Database

Unit 3 : Database Integrity and Normalisation

Relational Database Integrity, The Keys, Referential Integrity, Entity Integrity, Redundancy and Associated Problems, Single-Valued Dependencies, Single-Valued Normalisation, The First Normal Form, The Second Normal Form, The Third Normal Form, Boyce Codd Normal Form, Desirable Properties of Decomposition, Attribute Preservation, Lossless-join Decomposition, Dependency Preservation, Lack of redundancy, Rules of Data Normalisation, Eliminate Repeating Groups, Eliminate Redundant Data, Eliminate Columns Not Dependent on Key.

Unit 4 : File Organisation in DBMS

Physical Database Design Issues, Storage of Database on Hard Disks, File Organisation and Its Types, Heap files (Unordered files), Sequential File Organisation, Indexed (Indexed Sequential) File Organisation, Hashed File Organisation, Types of Indexes, Index and Tree Structure, Multi-key File Organisation, Need for Multiple Access Paths, Multi-list File Organisation, Inverted File Organisation, Importance of File Organisation in Databases

BLOCK 2: Structured Query Language and Transaction Management

Unit 1 : The Structures Query Language

What is SQL? Data Definition Language, Data Manipulation Language, Data Control, Database Objects: Views, Sequences, Indexes and Synonyms, Table Handling, Nested Queries

Unit 2 : Transactions and Concurrency Management

The Transactions, The Concurrent Transactions, The Locking Protocol, Serialisable Schedules, Locks Two Phase Locking (2PL), Deadlock and its Prevention, Optimistic Concurrency Control.

Unit 3 : Database Recovery and Security

What is Recovery? Kinds of failures, Failure controlling methods, Database errors, Recovery Techniques, Security & Integrity, Relationship between Security and Integrity, Difference between Operating System and Database Security, Authorization

Unit 4 : Distributed and Client Server Databases

Need for Distributed Database Systems, Structure of Distributed Database, Advantages and Disadvantages of DDBMS, Advantages of Data Distribution, Disadvantages of Data Distribution, Design of Distributed Databases, Data Replication, Data Fragmentation, Client Server Databases, Emergence of Client Server Architecture, Need for Client Server Computing, Structure of Client Server Systems, Advantages of Client Server Systems.

BLOCK 3 : Application Development: Development of a Hospital Management System

Need to Develop the Hospital Management System (An HMS), Creating a Database for HMS, Developing Front End Forms, Reports, Using Queries and Record set

BLOCK 4 : Study Centre Management System: A Case Study

Software Development Process: Analysis, System Designing, Issues relating to Software Development, Testing and Maintenance

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